
Rune Factory 5 Fishing Spots

Image Name Japanese Sell Buy Seasons Locations RF5 MasuTrout.png Masu Trout アマゴ 15G 300G --- Rigbarth, Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands Area, Phoros Woodlands - Cardinal Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Bridge, RF5Squid2.png Squid イカ 24G 400G All Rigbarth, Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Kibo Pond, Thief King's Hideout, Basara's Hideout (loftier probability) RF5Taimen.png Taimen イトウ 6500G 78,000G Spring Rigbarth River, Phoros Woodlands River, Phoros Woodlands - Central Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Bridge, Tag-Team Line-fishing RF5Sardine.png Sardine イワシ 70G 1200G All Rigarth, Rigbarth - Tune Lake, Rigbarth - Ripple Embankment, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Phoros Woodlands - Resilient Palm Tree Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Forest, Yumina Lake, Meline Ice Cave, Basara's Hideaway RF5 Char.png Char イワナ 92G 1800G --- Rigbarth, Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands Surface area, Phoros Woodlands - Central Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns RF5 Chub.png Chub ウグイ --- Rigbarth, Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands Surface area RF5 Shrimp.png Shrimp エビ 85G 1500G Spring, Summer, Autumn Rigbarth River, Rigbarth - Swimming of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Basara's Hideaway RF5 GlitterSnapper.png Glitter Snapper カガヤキタイ 8800G 120,000G Bound, Summer, Fall Phoros Woodlands - Resilient Palm Tree Embankment, Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Remains of the Thief King'south Hideout, Cloudheim RF5 Skipjack.png Skipjack カツオ 220G 4500G Autumn, Winter Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Swimming of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Embankment, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Phoros Woodlands - Resilient Palm Tree Embankment, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Woods, Yumina Lake, Basara's Hideout RF5 Turbot.png Turbot カレイ Summer, Autumn Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Ripple Embankment, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Phoros Woodlands - Resilient Palm Tree Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Yumina Lake, Whispering Woods, Meline Ice Cave, Cloudheim RF5 Rockfish.png Rockfish 岩石魚 1040G 10400G --- Thundering Wastes RF5 Gibelio.png Gibelio ギンブナ 100G 2000G --- Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Bridge RF5 Salmon.png Salmon サケ Summer, Fall Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands - River, Kelve Volcanic Region, Meline Water ice Cavern, Cloudheim RF5 Mackerel.png Mackerel サバ 60G 1000G Fall, Winter Rigbarth - Tune Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Embankment, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Woods, Yumina Lake, Meline Ice Cave, Basara's Hideaway RF5 Needlefish.png Needlefish サヨリ 30G 500G --- Rigbarth, Rigbarth - Tune Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Promise, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Meline Ice Cave, Basara'due south Hideaway RF5 Pike.png Pike サンマ 12G 240G Autumn Rigbarth, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region RF5 Sunsquid.png Sunsquid ジャマイカ 6800G 74,000G Autumn, Winter Rigbarth, Phoros Woodlands Area, Kelve Volcanic Region, Remains of the Thief King'south Hideout, Basara's Hideout RF5 SandFlounder.png Sand Flounder 砂ヒラメ 1040G 10400G Autumn Thundering Wastes RF5 Snapper.png Snapper タイ 1280G 14,800G All Keron Pond, Phoros Woodlands Area, Kelve Volcanic Region, Basara'due south Hideout, Cloudheim RF5 ThrobbySnapper.png Throbby Snapper トキメキタイ Spring, Summer, Autumn Rigbarth, Phoros Woodlands Area, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Cloudheim RF5 RainbowTrout.png Rainbow Trout ドクニジマス 150G 3000G Spring, Summer Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands River, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Span, RF5 Flounder.png Flounder ヒラメ 190G 4000G All Rigbarth, Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Wood, Yumina Lake, Meline Ice Cave, Basara's Hideaway RF5 Yellowtail.png Yellowtail ブリ 3800G 45,000G Autumn Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Thief Rex's Hideout, Cloudheim RF5 CrucianCarp.png Crucian Carp ヘラブナ 35G 620G Spring, Summer Rigbarth, Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands Area, Phoros Woodlands - Fundamental Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Bridge, RF5 LampSquid.png Lamp Squid フーインイカ 1800G 21,000G Leap Rigbarth - Swimming of Hope, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Basara's Hideout, Tag-Team Fishing RF5 Blowfish.png Blowfish フグ 4200G 57,000G Autumn, Wintertime Whispering Wood, Tag Team Fishing RF5 Tuna.png Tuna マグロ 5600G 61,000G Autumn, Winter Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Basara's Hideout RF5 Girella.png Girella メジナ 45G 850G All Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Promise, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Woods, Basara's Hideaway RF5 AutumnFlounder.png Fall Flounder モミジヒラメ 2000G 27,000G Autumn,


Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Promise, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region (All Seasons), Forest of No Return (All Seasons) RF5 CherrySalmon.png Cherry Salmon ヤマメ 18G 350G --- Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands - Central Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns RF5 Lobster.png Lobster ロブスター 960G 9600G Summer Rigbarth - Pond of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Basara's Hideaway RF5 PondSmelt.png Swimming Smelt ワカサギ 10G 200G --- Lake Yumina RF5Golden Salmon.png Golden Salmon ゴールデンサーモン 9000G 180,000G Autumn, Wintertime Tag Squad Fishing RF5 GoldenOctopus.png Golden Octopus ゴールデンオクトパス 9500G 190,000G Summer, Winter Tag Team Angling RF5 Sunfish.png Sunfish マンボウ 8000G 160,000G --- Tag Team Fishing RF5 Seerfish.png Seerfish さわら 500G 10,000G Winter Tag Team Fishing RF5 Octopus.png Octopus タコ 350G 7000G --- Tag Team Fishing RF5 Marlin.png Marlin カジキマグロ 4000G 80,000G Wintertime Tag Team Angling RF5 Cutlassfish.png Cutlassfish タチウオ --- Tag Squad Fishing RF5 Abalone.png Abalone あわび 250G 5000G Summertime, Winter Tag Team Fishing RF5 SplendidAlfonsino.png Splendid Alfonsino キンメダイ 100G 2000G --- Tag Squad Fishing RF5 RedKingCrab.png King Crab タラバガニ Winter Tag Team Fishing

All fishable items have shadows in the shape of fish.

Proper name Japanese Sell Buy Notes Kicking ながぐつ 2G 8G Institute anywhere. Can あきかん 1G 5G Found anywhere. Rare Can レアなあきかん 300G 800G Found anywhere. Mermaid Scales 人魚のうろこ 3000G 50,000G May exist plant while Tag Team Fishing. Ancient Fish Fin 古代魚の羽ビレ 10,000G 300,000G May be found while Tag Team Fishing.

Rune Factory 5 Fishing Spots,


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