Image | Name | Japanese | Sell | Buy | Seasons | Locations |
| Masu Trout | アマゴ | 15G | 300G | --- | Rigbarth, Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands Area, Phoros Woodlands - Cardinal Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Bridge, |
| Squid | イカ | 24G | 400G | All | Rigbarth, Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Kibo Pond, Thief King's Hideout, Basara's Hideout (loftier probability) |
| Taimen | イトウ | 6500G | 78,000G | Spring | Rigbarth River, Phoros Woodlands River, Phoros Woodlands - Central Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Bridge, Tag-Team Line-fishing |
| Sardine | イワシ | 70G | 1200G | All | Rigarth, Rigbarth - Tune Lake, Rigbarth - Ripple Embankment, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Phoros Woodlands - Resilient Palm Tree Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Forest, Yumina Lake, Meline Ice Cave, Basara's Hideaway |
| Char | イワナ | 92G | 1800G | --- | Rigbarth, Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands Surface area, Phoros Woodlands - Central Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns |
| Chub | ウグイ | | | --- | Rigbarth, Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands Surface area |
| Shrimp | エビ | 85G | 1500G | Spring, Summer, Autumn | Rigbarth River, Rigbarth - Swimming of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Basara's Hideaway |
| Glitter Snapper | カガヤキタイ | 8800G | 120,000G | Bound, Summer, Fall | Phoros Woodlands - Resilient Palm Tree Embankment, Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Remains of the Thief King'south Hideout, Cloudheim |
| Skipjack | カツオ | 220G | 4500G | Autumn, Winter | Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Swimming of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Embankment, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Phoros Woodlands - Resilient Palm Tree Embankment, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Woods, Yumina Lake, Basara's Hideout |
| Turbot | カレイ | | | Summer, Autumn | Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Ripple Embankment, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Phoros Woodlands - Resilient Palm Tree Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Yumina Lake, Whispering Woods, Meline Ice Cave, Cloudheim |
| Rockfish | 岩石魚 | 1040G | 10400G | --- | Thundering Wastes |
| Gibelio | ギンブナ | 100G | 2000G | --- | Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Bridge |
| Salmon | サケ | | | Summer, Fall | Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands - River, Kelve Volcanic Region, Meline Water ice Cavern, Cloudheim |
| Mackerel | サバ | 60G | 1000G | Fall, Winter | Rigbarth - Tune Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Embankment, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Woods, Yumina Lake, Meline Ice Cave, Basara's Hideaway |
| Needlefish | サヨリ | 30G | 500G | --- | Rigbarth, Rigbarth - Tune Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Promise, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Meline Ice Cave, Basara'due south Hideaway |
| Pike | サンマ | 12G | 240G | Autumn | Rigbarth, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region |
| Sunsquid | ジャマイカ | 6800G | 74,000G | Autumn, Winter | Rigbarth, Phoros Woodlands Area, Kelve Volcanic Region, Remains of the Thief King'south Hideout, Basara's Hideout |
| Sand Flounder | 砂ヒラメ | 1040G | 10400G | Autumn | Thundering Wastes |
| Snapper | タイ | 1280G | 14,800G | All | Keron Pond, Phoros Woodlands Area, Kelve Volcanic Region, Basara'due south Hideout, Cloudheim |
| Throbby Snapper | トキメキタイ | | | Spring, Summer, Autumn | Rigbarth, Phoros Woodlands Area, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Cloudheim |
| Rainbow Trout | ドクニジマス | 150G | 3000G | Spring, Summer | Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands River, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Span, |
| Flounder | ヒラメ | 190G | 4000G | All | Rigbarth, Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Wood, Yumina Lake, Meline Ice Cave, Basara's Hideaway |
| Yellowtail | ブリ | 3800G | 45,000G | Autumn | Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region, Thief Rex's Hideout, Cloudheim |
| Crucian Carp | ヘラブナ | 35G | 620G | Spring, Summer | Rigbarth, Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands Area, Phoros Woodlands - Fundamental Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns, Phoros Woodlands - Verdant Waterfall Bridge, |
| Lamp Squid | フーインイカ | 1800G | 21,000G | Leap | Rigbarth - Swimming of Hope, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Basara's Hideout, Tag-Team Fishing |
| Blowfish | フグ | 4200G | 57,000G | Autumn, Wintertime | Whispering Wood, Tag Team Fishing |
| Tuna | マグロ | 5600G | 61,000G | Autumn, Winter | Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Basara's Hideout |
| Girella | メジナ | 45G | 850G | All | Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Promise, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Phoros Woodlands - Keron Pond, Kelve Volcanic Region, Whispering Woods, Basara's Hideaway |
| Fall Flounder | モミジヒラメ | 2000G | 27,000G | Autumn, Winter | Rigbarth - Melody Lake, Rigbarth - Pond of Promise, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Kelve Volcanic Region (All Seasons), Forest of No Return (All Seasons) |
| Cherry Salmon | ヤマメ | 18G | 350G | --- | Rigbarth - River, Phoros Woodlands - Central Waterfall, Phoros Woodlands - Timeworn Caverns |
| Lobster | ロブスター | 960G | 9600G | Summer | Rigbarth - Pond of Hope, Rigbarth - Ripple Beach, Basara's Hideaway |
| Swimming Smelt | ワカサギ | 10G | 200G | --- | Lake Yumina |
| Golden Salmon | ゴールデンサーモン | 9000G | 180,000G | Autumn, Wintertime | Tag Squad Fishing |
| Golden Octopus | ゴールデンオクトパス | 9500G | 190,000G | Summer, Winter | Tag Team Angling |
| Sunfish | マンボウ | 8000G | 160,000G | --- | Tag Team Fishing |
| Seerfish | さわら | 500G | 10,000G | Winter | Tag Team Fishing |
| Octopus | タコ | 350G | 7000G | --- | Tag Team Fishing |
| Marlin | カジキマグロ | 4000G | 80,000G | Wintertime | Tag Team Angling |
| Cutlassfish | タチウオ | | | --- | Tag Squad Fishing |
| Abalone | あわび | 250G | 5000G | Summertime, Winter | Tag Team Fishing |
| Splendid Alfonsino | キンメダイ | 100G | 2000G | --- | Tag Squad Fishing |
| King Crab | タラバガニ | | | Winter | Tag Team Fishing |
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